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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Word of the Day


Tuesday (Listeni/ˈtjzd//ˈtjzdi/, /ˈtuːzdeɪ/ or /ˈtuːzdi/) is a day of the week occurring after Monday and before Wednesday. According to some commonly used calendars (esp. in the US), it is the third day of the week.

The most random day of the week. Really, it is. All the other days have something going for it, but not tuesday. 

Monday is the start of the week. Everyone hates monday...or else. Wednesday is the middle day. The day when you can start looking forward to things to came.Thursday is...well, as someone said: "The real start of the weekend, and only one day ’til Friday." Friday is the day before weekend. One of the best days. Saturday and Sunday: The weekend. Nuff' said. 

Tuesday is a tossup. It can be anything or nothing at all.
Tuesday is...Tuesday.

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