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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Gadol Elohai / How Great Is Our God

Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai Shem me'al kol shem Otcha raui le'halel Libi yashir ki gadol Elohai Shem me'al kol shem Otcha raui le'halel Libi yashir ki gadol Elohai How great is our God Sing with me how great is our God And all will sing how great, How great is our God Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai Gadol Elohai Gadol Elohai Shiru ki Gadol Elohai Kol echad Yirei Ki gadol Elohai How great is our God How great is our God Gadol Elohai

Joshua Aaron

Facebook Page

Genre: Worship in Hebrew & English

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