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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Word of the Day


The name Israel appears frequently in the New Testament, 68 times in 12 of the 27 books (all four Gospels, Acts, the Pauline epistles and Revelation). In Greek Israel is spelled Ισραηλ, and the ethnonym Israelite in Greek is spelled Ισραηλιτης. The latter appears 9 times.

The name Israel in the Bible

Israel is the name given to Jacob during his encounter with the Angel of God at the river Jabbok (Genesis 32:28). His older twin brother's name is Esau, his parents are Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 25), and his grandparents are Abraham and Sarah. The nation of Israel came from four matriarchs — Leah and her servantZilpah, Leah's sister Rachel and her servant Bilhah — and their twelve sons would become the patriarchs of the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel:
  • Israel's first born son is Reuben (Genesis 29:32). His mother is Leah. Reuben forfeits his station of first-born son when he sleeps with Bilhah, the mother of his two half-brothers Dan and Naphtali (Genesis 35:22).
  • Israel's second son is Simeon, also with Leah (Genesis 29:33). Simeon forfeits his prominence when he and his brother Levi revenge the rape of their sister Dinah by Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite(Genesis 34), by killing every male living in the city of Hamor.
  • Israel's third son is Levi, also with Leah (29:34). He also forfeits his prominence, along with his brother Simeon.
  • Israel's fourth son is Judah (29:35). Due to the crimes of his three older brothers, Judah rises to prominence. The land of Judah is central to Israel, and the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, was situated in Judah. King David was from Judah, and Joseph, the father-by-law of Jesus was from Judah as well. By the time of Jesus, the name Judah has been applied to the Roman province of Judea, and the Israelites who made it out of the Babylonian exile became collectively known as Jews, meaning those of Judea.
  • The fifth son of Israel is Dan (30:6). His mother is Bilhah, the servant of Rachel (30:4).
  • The sixth son of Israel is Naphtali, also with Bilhah (30:8).
  • Israel's seventh son is Gad (30:11). Gad's mother is Zilpah, the servant of Leah (30:9).
  • Israel's eighth son is Asher (30:13). Asher's mother is Zilpah as well.
  • Israel's ninth son is Issachar, Leah's fifth son (30:18).
  • Israel's tenth son is Zebulun, Leah's sixth son (30:20).
  • Israel's eleventh child is a girl. Her name is Dinah and her mother is Leah (30:21).
  • Israel's eleventh son is Joseph. His mother is Rachel (30:24). In time, the tribe of Joseph breaches in two sub-tribes, named after Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. Their mother's name is Asenath(Genesis 41:50-52).
  • Israel's twelfth son is Ben-oni or Benjamin (Genesis 35:18).
source http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Israel.html#.Vri5jVR97Dc

Land of Israel
The Land of Israel (Hebrewאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל ʼÉreṣ YiśrāʼēlEretz Yisrael) is one of several names for an area of indefinite geographical extension in the Southern Levant. Related biblical, religious and historical English terms include the Land of Canaan, the Promised Land, the Holy Land, and Palestine (q.v. Israel (disambiguation)). The definitions of the limits of this territory vary between passages in the Hebrew Bible, with specific mentions in Genesis 15, Exodus 23, Numbers 34 and Ezekiel 47. Nine times elsewhere in the Bible, the settled land is referred as "from Dan to Beersheba, and three times it is referred as "from the entrance of Hamath unto the brook of Egypt” 
(1 Kings 8:65, 1 Chronicles 13:5 and 2 Chronicles 7:8).".
Baby Names for ISRAEL

The name Israel is a baby boy name.

Other Meaning:

In Biblical the meaning Israel is , 
Who prevails with God

In American the meaning Israel is,
Who prevails with God

Hebrew Meaning:

The name Israel is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Israel is:

May God prevail. 
He struggles with God. 
God perseveres; contends. 
In the bible when Jacob was in his nineties as a token of blessing God changed his name to Israel.

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