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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tips to Clear Clutter and Create Space for a Prosperous 2016

5 things that helps to clear out some space in home, office, devices, and brain in order to create some good stuff for you next year. 

  • Email  : I have had a notification in my gmail for weeks saying I needed to free up some space in my email. Because I have my hands so full right now, I ignored it until a few days ago when it said I was officially out of space and would no longer get my email. Uh oh! That prompted me to start deleting old stuff. Friends, I had emails for 2006! There were some serious flashbacks in there that I did not need reminders of!

  • Unroll/Unsubscribe : There is a fun little tool called unroll.me that is super helpful with email overload. I know you haven’t been getting many emails from me lately but if you are on my list or any other list and the emails are no longer useful to you please unsubscribe!  There is no need to keep deleting them over and over again and never opening them. You know I have to pay for the emails that I send you and if you don’t want to open them save yourself time and me money by opting out. Just unsubscribe and if you ever want to revisit, you can always sign up again. Its that easy!

  • Your Computer/Phone/Tablet : Delete, Delete, Delete!  I have a bad habit of letting my phone storage fill up with pictures of my grocery list from my dry erase board or screenshots from things I want to try to remember or something funny to text to a friend. All of the sudden one of my kids does something adorable and there is NO ROOM for another pic! Cut to me frantically deleting texts or dumb pictures that I don’t need. Delete all those texts, pics, downloads and apps that you do not need! Free that space sister! Then your device can run smoothly without being bogged down with the unnecessary crap that is lying around for no reason.  Turn off Notifications! Go into Settings and turn off all notifications from your cell. I only have texts and calls set to notify. Everything else is silent so Im not distracted by the constant ding or    lit screen.

  • Stop TeleMarketing Calls : Use 1-888-382-1222 to put your home and cell number on the Do Not Call List. You can also register your number online here. Within 30 days you should not be receiving telemarketer calls and if you do, you can submit a complaint thru the site too.

  • Set up Systems : This is key to running your business and your home life efficiently. Think of things that you do regularly that you can automate or streamline. When you have a system in place you will not experience the decision fatigue that often comes when sorting thru the mundane day to day tasks. This can be putting your bills on auto pay schedules or using the subscribe and save feature on Amazon Prime so toilet paper and other necessities just show up at your door step without even thinking about it. Some people like a routine for how they will dress or do their makeup so it requires zero energy and thought process as they rush to get to work. One thing that is crucial at our house is planning our weekly meals and preparing them on the weekend ahead. It helps our weeks run so much smoother!

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